Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Bible Reading Challenge -accepted

Over at the "Said at Southern" blog, many people are taking a challenge to read through the Word of God by January 31, 2008. I have decided to take the challenge myself.

While I try to read through the Bible once every year, I have never tried to read through it in one month. My concern is that I will read just to get the pages checked off instead of allowing God to use His Word to feed my soul. My hope and prayer is that by diving into God's Word (and possibly reading through the Bible more than once in 2008) that God will nourish my soul in new ways. Pray for me as I undertake this reading challenge.

If you would like to take the challenge yourself, you can read about it at http://saidatsouthern.com/. There are even some helps available there, including a Bible reading chart to help you keep track of your reading each day.

I believe that there are more Bibles in more homes in the United States than ever. I also believe that there are fewer people reading the Bible in the United States than ever. I pray that the latter trend will change.

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